Current UK Phenotyping Platforms

A UKRI Infrastructure Scoping Project. Integrating state-of-the-are national facilities in plant and crop phenotyping and connecting the UK phenomics community

Current UK Phenotyping Platforms


Aberystwyth University Open

National Plant Phenomics Centre

Cranfield University Open

Plant growth and phenotyping facility including phenotyping greenhouse

Durham University Not

Durham University – Molecular Plant Sciences

The James Hutton Institute Open

Advanced Plant Growth Centre

John Innes Centre (JIC) Open

Plant growth and pest resistance phenotyping

Lancaster University Open

Wolfson Centre for Photosynthetic Diversity

National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) Open

Multi-scale (lab and field) plant & crop phenotyping, incorporating AI trait analysis

Rothamsted Research Open

Multi-scale field plant & crop phenotyping

University of Cambridge Not

Leaf level plant physiology

University of Essex Open

Photosynthesis, stress responses, and plant-environment interactions

University of Exeter Open

Global Meteorological Simulator โ€“ multi-chamber controlled environments

University of Glasgow Open

Glasgow Stomatal Physiology and Photosynthesis (GasPP) Facility.

University of Lincoln Open

Plant and crop robotic phenotyping platform

University of Manchester Open

e-Agri sensors engineering

Electronic systems & materials engineering for agri-sensing

University of Nottingham Open

Multi-scale (lab and field) plant & crop phenotyping with specialisms in root phenotyping and computer vision

University of Sheffield Open

Plant disease phenomics

University of Warwick Open

Warwick Agri-Tech: De-risking and accelerating innovation for the future of Agriculture.