Wednesday, February 5 22nd WGIN Stakeholders’ Meeting (2025): In-Person registration Thanks to defra, WGIN funding is continuing for at least another 5 years! This event will outline the plans for WGIN 5.

22nd WGIN Stakeholders’ Meeting (2025): In-Person registration

Thanks to defra, WGIN funding is continuing for at least another 5 years! This event will outline the plans for WGIN 5.

WGIN, the Wheat Genetic Improvement Network, originally started in 2003 and has now been funded for another 5 yearsย by Defra until 2023. This network always has been and still is continuing to bring UK Wheat breeders, Research Scientists and Stakeholders together with the overall aim of improving the wheat crop.

Date: 5th February

Venue: Hybrid (inperson/online, Zoom)

To register for an in-person attendance follow this link:

JIC Conference Centre, Norwich Research Park Coney Lane Norwich NR4 7UG

To join the online Zoom meeting you will need these links and passwords:
Meeting ID: 822 7344 7797 Passcode: 693363